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We're helping Missoula, MT become the 1st plastic waste free community in America

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Our planet is covered in plastic garbage. Since the 1950s more than 9 billion tons of plastic has been produced, of which over 6 billion tons has ended up in our natural environment or buried in landfills. Recycling efforts across the globe have failed to solve this crisis. However, there is a real solution.

To take an uncompromising leadership role in creating a world-wide grassroots campaign in every community to achieve a critical mass of awareness and action in order to end the plastic waste crisis that is destroying our ecosystems and threatening the future survival of all life on the planet.

The plastic pollution problem can feel overwhelming at times, but there are actions we can all take to make a difference. Discover a few simple things that you can do to create

a future without plastic pollution... 

We use the latest pyrolysis technology to transform non-recycled plastic waste into valuable commodities that create a reliable source of alternative energy from an abundant, no-cost feed stock...

Join our community of dedicated volunteers and help us transform the lives of millions of people across the world. Whether you are new to volunteering or are a seasoned veteran, Final Cycles needs your help to...

Going Zero Plastic Waste: Ep1
Edie Santos

Going Zero Plastic Waste: Ep1

Upcoming Events: 2020

Final Cycles has invested in a 1/10 scale mini pyrolysis plant to demonstrate the latest plastic-to-fuel technology -  and we're taking this show on the road! We're looking forward to coming to as many towns, schools, businesses and events as possible, so contact us

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